Paper category | Title | Name | Adviser | Reference link |
Master | 1999~2018年期間南海沿岸淺水區對颱風登陸時強度變化之影響 Intensification of landfalling typhoons over the shallow South China coast during 1999~2018 | 陳冠呈 Guan-Cheng Chen | 潘任飛 Iam-Fei Pun | |
Master | 二月份最強颱風:Wutip (2019) 之大氣與海洋條件 Atmospheric and Oceanic Conditions for the Strongest Typhoon in February: Wutip | 阮煌隆 Nguyen Dinh Hoang Long | 潘任飛 Iam-Fei Pun | |
Master | 颱風 Bavi (2020) 在東中國海淺海異常增強 Uncommon Intensification of Typhoon Bavi (2020) over the Shallow East China Sea | 阮喬艷 NGUYEN THI KIEU DIEM | 潘任飛 Iam-Fei Pun | |
Master | 發展適用於印度洋之氣旋風暴潮預報模式 Develop a cyclone storm surge forecast model suitable fot the Indian Ocean | 曾博森 Po-Sen Tseng | 吳祚任 Tso-Ren Wu | |
Master | 應用微波雷達監測海流之演算法流程改善 Process Improvement of Algorithm for Monitoring Sea Surface Currents with X-band Microwave Radar | 陳銘誼 Ming-Yi Chen | 錢樺 Hwa Chien |
Paper category | Title | Name | Adviser | Reference link |
PhD | 風暴潮、潮汐與波浪耦合模式之發展及西北太平洋強烈颱風事件之應用 Development of Storm Surge, Tide, and Wind Wave Coupling Model and Application for Severe Typhoon Events in Northwestern Pacific Ocean | 蔡育霖 Yu-Lin Tsai | 吳祚任、劉立方 Tso-Ren Wu、Philip Li-Fan Liu | |
PhD | 遙測方法之土地熱通量研究 Land Heat Fluxes Investigation with Remote Sensing | 黎梅山 Le Mai Son | 劉說安、錢樺 Yuei-An Liou、Hwa Chien | |
PhD | Analyses and modeling of ocean currents and waves: connection with mesoscale eddy, tropical cyclone, phytoplankton and climate variability | 林幼淳 Yu-Chun Lin | 黃如瑤 Lie-Yauw Oey | |
PhD | 內陸棚及河口混合與擴散特性觀測研究 Observation of mixing and dispersion characteristics in inner shelf and estuary | 鐘耀照 YaoZhao Zhong | 錢樺 Hwa Chien | |
PhD | Development of S-band and Coherent-on-Receive Marine Radar for Ocean Surface Wave and Current Measurement | 鄭皓元 Hao-Yuan Cheng | 錢樺 Hwa Chien |