Journal paper
Paper title (chapter)Inter-annual variation of chlorophyll in the northern South China Sea observed at the SEATS Station and its asymmetric responses to climate oscillation
Name of journalBiogeosciences Discuss.
Date of publication2013-00-00
number of chapters10
Issue No.4
Name of author (Chinese)Oey, Lie-Yauw
Name of author (English)Oey, Lie-Yauw
AuthorsK.-K. Liu*, L.-W. Wang, M. Dai, C.-M. Tseng, Y. Yang, C.-H. Sui, L. Oey, K.-Y. Tseng, and S.-M. Huang
Number of authors9
Reference URLhttp://www.biogeosciences-discuss.net/10/6899/2013/bgd-10-6899-2013.html
Language usedEnglish
RemarkDOI: 10.5194/bgd-10-6899-2013
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