Year | 2012 |
Journal level | SCI |
Paper title (chapter) | Study on the wave climate variation to the renewable wave energy assessment |
Name of journal | Renewable Energy |
Date of publication | 2012-02-01 |
number of chapters | 38 |
Issue No. | 1 |
起頁 | 50 |
迄頁 | 61 |
Name of author (Chinese) | Chien, Hwa |
Name of author (English) | Chien, Hwa |
Authors | Tsai Ching-Piao, Hwang Ching-Her, Hwa Chien*, Cheng Hao-Yuan |
Number of authors | 4 |
Author's type | Corresponding Author |
Reference URL | http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0960148111003788 |
Language used | English |
Remark | DOI: 10.1016/j.renene.2011.06.041 |