


2023/03/21 14:00 Distinguished Young Prof. Cheng-Hsien Lee(Department of Marine Environment and Engineering, NSYSU)

Poster:Post date:2023-03-15
NCU IHOS Seminar Announcement

Title:Multi-phase modeling of sediment transport


Speaker:Distinguished Young Prof. Cheng-Hsien Lee

Department of Marine Environment and Engineering, NSYSU


Place:S-325, Science Building 1

  Sediment transport is, by nature, a multi-phase phenomenon involving fine grain-scale processes (such as collisions and prolonged contacts between particles) and fluid-particle interactions. In the last decade, multi-phase models have gained attention; however, there are still many limitations in these models. For example, the shear-induced volume change and the resultant pore-pressure feedback cannot be well produced, which play an important role in subaqueous landslide. This study aims to develop a new multi-phase model for sediment transport based on an Eulerian-Eulerian framework with a new evolution equation determining the static solid pressure resulting from prolonged contact between particles. The evolution equation can effectively describe the shear-induced volume change in plane-shear configurations. The multi-phase model can capture the typical phenomenon associated with pore-pressure feedback: the different collapse processes for differently packed columns. Finally, the multi-phase model is applied to simulate failure angle of subaqueous slopes.
Last modification time:2023-03-15 AM 11:10

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