


2021/11/23 14:00 Prof. Philip Li-Fan Liu(National University of Singapore)

Poster:Post date:2021-11-17
NCU IHOS Seminar Announcement

Title:On Finite Amplitude Solitary Waves


Speaker:Distinguished Prof. Philip Li-Fan Liu

National University of Singapore
Chair Professor @ NCUIHOS


Place:S-325, Science Building 1

  This paper first reviews the existing perturbation solutions for finite amplitude solitary waves. These perturbation solutions are based on either the nonlinearity parameter, α = H/h (Grimshaw 1970; Fenton 1972), or the dispersion parameter, ε = k2 h2 (Fenton 1999; Wu, et al. 2005). The convergence characteristics of these perturbation solutions in terms of the free surface profile and fluid particle velocity are discussed, indicating that some of these solutions do not converge for waves with large enough amplitude. Two other approximated analytical solutions are discussed, and their relationship is explained (McCown 1891; Clamond 1999). To verify the analytical solutions, experiments for finite amplitude solitary waves are conducted in a wave flume. Both free surface profile and velocity field are measured using wave gage, PIV, and ADV. A range of α values, up to 0.6, has been used in the experiments. Detailed comparisons between the experimental data and existing theories are made. The solutions for the free surface profile, calculated from various theories, are more or less the same as the measurements, even for large wave amplitudes. However, the theoretical solutions for the velocity field deviate from the measured data significantly under the wave crest, especially for large amplitude waves.
The horizontal (upper panel) and vertical velocity (lower panel) components under solitary wave for H/h = 0.597 in h = 0.18 m.
Last modification time:2021-11-08 PM 1:27

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