


Faculty Position in Hydrology/Climate-Change Adaptation

Poster:Post date:2018-05-23

Faculty Position in Hydrology/Climate-Change Adaptation


The Graduate Institute of Hydrological and Oceanic Sciences at the National Central University invites applications for one full-time tenure-track faculty position at any rank (assistant, associate, or full professor) in the area of Land Hydrological Cycles, Surface and Subsurface Hydrology, Climate Change Adaptations and/or Water Resources and Environments.

Qualified applicants should have a strong record of publications and commitments to exemplary research and teaching. She/he will be expected to publish quality SCI papers, establish internationally recognized independent research, and acquire external research funding. Estimated start date is August 1, 2018. Please send (or e-mail) the application letter, CV, a summary of teaching and research interests, and three letters of recommendation to:

Faculty search committee, Graduate Institute of Hydrological and Oceanic Sciences, National Central University, 300 Jhongda Rd, Jhongli, 32001, Taiwan ( Email : ncu5686@ncu.edu.tw; Tel: +886-3-4222874; Fax: +886-3-4222894 ).

Applications should be received by April 30, 2018 for full considerations. 
Last modification time:2018-05-23 PM 3:36

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