


2018/02/27 14:00 Dr. Shih-Yu Lee(Research Center for Environmental Changes, Academia Sinica)

Poster:Post date:2018-02-21
NCU IHOS Seminar Announcement

Title:East Asia climate evolution during the last millennium: a GCM approach and data comparison


Speaker:Dr. Shih-Yu Lee

Research Center for Environmental Changes, Academia Sinica


Place:S-325, Science Building 1

  The last millennium marks a time with rich climate reconstruction using various methods. It is an excellent time period to quantify the relative importance of natural and anthropogenic forcings in explaining recent climate changes and would be of great help in understanding near future climate. For this very reason, we have analyzed the a set of CESM simulations that meant to foster a better understanding of both paleo-climate records and variability during the last millennium. Our analysis show a general warmer condition during the MCA (950-1250 AD) than LIA (1450-1850 AD) coherent with the global picture and was mainly influenced by orbital forcing and volcanic forcing different from previous study on Europe and North America (Otto-Bliesner et al., 2016) due possible to meridional insolation gradient during June-September. In Chinese main land north of 30°N, where summer precipitation was driven predominately by monsoonal circulation; it is generally wetter during the MCA than that in LIA associated with the strength of subtropical high. In comparison with climate records, model simulation shows similar trend to the literature reconstruction during 1644-1795 AD in Eastern China monsoon region. The simulated precipitation however was not in direct correlation with ENSO index.
Last modification time:2018-02-13 AM 10:41

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