


104/12/01 14:00 中山大學海洋科學系李逸環博士 演講

演 講 公 告

講題:The temperature variation in Nanwan Bay


主講人:李逸環 博士



  It is relatively noticeable natural phenomenon of significant temperature drops around Nanwan Bay (NW). The sudden temperature drops in tidal frequency at shallow area exceed 5ºC. It is undoubted that tide is the main force causing deep water (> 100 meters) to upwell and spread into NW coastal area. However, it is still unclear whether the intruded cold water generated locally or related remotely.
  The significant temperature drops play an important role on the ecological system of NW, for example, preventing the bleaching of coral reefs since the global warming. In this study, temperature records during May 25, 2007 ~ September 8, 2008 at NW were analyzed. Our results show that the significant temperature drops happened each day in summer. In winter, it only happened during spring tide. There were different forces causing the variations of daily temperature maximum and minimum. The variation of daily maximum showed seasonal cycle that effect from rain was also shown. On the contrary, there was no seasonal cycle shown on daily minimum. The temperature reanalysis of a primitive equation ocean model that assimilates satellite altimetry and SST data were used for representing a larger temperature field outside NW. We found that the variations of Kuroshio (sometimes caused by mesoscale eddies) play an important role on the variation of daily temperature minimum in NW. The scale of mesoscale motions may cover the Luzon Strait. It indicates the significant temperature drops in NW can be related to the internal waves generated at Luzon Strait.

最後修改時間:2015-11-27 PM 5:08

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