


102/09/17 14:00 Prof. Lie-Yauw Oey(中央大學水文與海洋科學研究所)演講

演 講 公 告
講題:Decadal warming of the China coastal seas during winter and its coupling with monsoon and cross flows

主講人:黃如瑤 講座教授



  In winter a branch of the China Coastal Current turns in the Taiwan Strait to join the poleward-flowing Taiwan coastal current. The associated cross-strait flows have been inferred from hydrographic and satellite data, as well as from observed abundances off northwestern Taiwan of cold-water copepod species Calanus sinicus. I will explain the physical mechanism of the cross flows, connect them to the wintertime warming in the East China Sea, discuss how in recent decades the East Asian Winter Monsoon might be affected by the warming, and finally explain why the recent rebound of the Siberian High is decoupled from the winter winds over China.
最後修改時間:2013-11-13 AM 11:34

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