


104/03/10 14:00 台灣大學大氣科學系羅敏輝助理教授 演講

演 講 公 告


   Impacts of human activities on the water cycle


主講人:羅敏輝 助理教授



  Understanding how land surface processes affect climate can help improve climate model simulations. In addition, characterizing climatological and hydrological responses to agricultural irrigation continues to be an important challenge to understanding the full impact of water management on the Earth's environment and hydrological cycle. Moreover, human agriculture activities can significantly modify the land surface radiation and water budgets, which are not well represented in most of current climate models. Agricultural irrigation practice is one of the important anthropogenic processes in the land surface modeling. Irrigation can decrease local surface temperature about a few ℃ with alternating surface energy partitioning. Rice paddy is the major food crop in Asian monsoon region. Rice is grown under flooded conditions during the growing season; hence, the rice paddy can be considered as an open water body, which has more impacts on the surface energy budget than other cropland does. In this study, we also explore how the rice paddy area changes affect Taiwan’s regional climate from both observational data and numerical modeling exercise.

最後修改時間:2015-03-05 PM 4:24

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