
103/05/27 14:00 海洋大學應用地球科學研究所邱永嘉助理教授演講

演 講 公 告

講題:Parameter Structure Identification in Groundwater Modeling


主講人:邱永嘉 助理教授



  The real geological structure of an aquifer is generally complex and the hydrogeologic parameters are usually heterogeneous and unknown. The nature of groundwater inverse theory and modeling is to achieve the objective of identifying a better model structure as reflection of the real aquifer systems. However, it is impossible and unrealistic to identify a distributed parameter of an infinite dimension. A more complex parameter structure requires more data for identification. Besides, without knowing the real structure of an aquifer, the assessment of data sufficiency becomes extremely difficult. Parameter structure identification is defined as solving an inverse problem, which allows for a determination of an appropriate level of parameter structure complexity, and the identification of its pattern and the associated parameter values. With the increasing complexity of parameter structure identification in groundwater modeling, demand for robust, fast, and accurate optimizers is on the rise among researchers from groundwater hydrology fields. A data-driven parameterization representation is usually undesirable for producing reliable model application results. To identify a parameter structure, there must be sufficient information contained in the observation data. An optimal experimental design problem usually combines a simulation model with a decision-making model in its solution procedure. The proposed objective-oriented modeling approach, which seeks to identify a representative parameter with the simplest structure and assure its reliability for predetermined model applications, is more practical and cost-effective.

最後修改時間:2014-05-21 PM 2:06

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